FWSD 2016 Designer Spotlight | Fuseik



Fuseik was created by Ayana Little-Green.

Loving fashion, as a little girl, Ayana found it challenging to be trendy in the midst of nine other siblings.  After many trial run designing clothes for her Barbie dolls, one day Ayana finally got the confidence to purchase some fabric for a life size dress.  That was the beginning of a beautiful affair with fashion design.

After visiting a trade school, Ayana enrolled… soon after, Fuseik (fuh-seek) was born. One of the aims of Fuseik is to accentuate the positive attributes of a woman’s body. Ayana likes to work with a variety of fabrics including; denim, cotton, knits, spandex, lace, chiffon, leather, and the list goes on.Ayana’s design aesthetic is influenced by; 17th, 18th, and 19th-century fashion, adult comics, futuristic designs, people-watching in her hometown of New York, and the good ole world wide web. Fuseik’s design philosophy is to live in the moment, and that being different is an adventure. Yesterday you wore your hippie pants, and today you are wearing a punk rock tee and a mohawk. Life, live it up, have fun and shop Fuseik. “Mom and Me” collection coming soon.


Website l www.fuseik.com

Facebook l Coming soon

Instagram l @Ladyfuseik

Twitter l Coming soon

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