FWSD18 Designer Spotlight | HiM Brand







The HiM brand features real streetwear that is simply unapologetic and unconventional. The artistic designers craft every piece with an attention to detail that is unmatched by any other brand. They emphasize the edgier and more rugged qualities in the clothing of the HiM brand while being unafraid of creating clean looks. This multidimensional system of design allows HiM products to be appropriate for a wealth of settings. As a result the wearer can be sure he is looking his best at any given moment.

In the world of fashion, there are far fewer Men’s brands than Women’s brands, and there are even fewer quality streetwear brands for men.  HiM is here to change that. While judging a book by its cover or a person by their appearance is frowned upon, it is indisputable that appearance is a major factor, if not the largest factor, in making a first impression. For this reason, and the weight that comes with making a good first impression, it is vital for men to be looking their best at all times. However, the clothes that a man wears is largely dependent on the formality of the situation that he is in. A baggy T-shirt has no place at a formal dinner while a suit is improper for day-to-day use. HiM is here to provide the perfect streetwear for any occasion. Featuring edgy and eclectic styles, the works of art produced by HiM are sure to wow any person.

The Designer/Creative behind HiM is a Young Black man who grew up in West Oakland. He went to Academy of Art and studied Men’s Fashion Design. The road wasn’t easy for Dana as he was working hard and trying to navigate exactly where he wanted to be in this rolling Fashion Industry. Now, Dana is stepping out as an Independent Designer. He is ready to show what he has to offer to the Menswear Industry.

If you haven’t already, go an check out the brand on Social Media. We are active on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube you can find us by searching HiMthebrand.

Facebook | @HiMthebrand

Instagram | @HiMthebrand

Twitter | @HiMthebrand

Website | himeclectic.squarespace.com

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