50% off FWSD21 Tickets | 3 DAYS ONLY

3  D A Y S  O N L Y

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Dear fashion family,

We LOVE you!! Through times are tough and there’s a lot of confusion in our world, it’s all the moments and we can’t do it without you. Since you read our emails and have been there from the beginning, we are offering a 50% off ticket code for 3 DAYS ONLY to our annual runway show for an in-person experience.


This code expires at midnight on Thursday, 8/26 and we really hope you use it before it expires.

I look forward to seeing you at the one and only regional fashion week runway in San Diego, Fashion Week San Diego®.


Gwen Bates

Director at FWSD


Details on FWSD21 Runway Shows

WHAT: FWSD21 Designer Runway Shows

WHEN: Saturday, October 2nd

WHERE: U4RIK • 2937 Norman Strasse Rd San Marcos, Ca 92069

TIME: 6pm

DETAILS: Join us for the FWSD21 Designer Runway Shows. From ready-to-wear to gowns and everything in between, this night will have something for everyone. Each designer will showcase their never seen before 10 piece collections.


WHAT: FWSD21 Designer Trunk Show and Fashion Awards

WHEN: Sunday, October 3rd

WHERE: U4RIK • 2937 Norman Strasse Rd San Marcos, Ca 92069

TIME: 10-2pm

DETAILS: Check out and shop all the FWSD21 Designer fashions that just debuted on the runway, including other FWSD Vendors & Partners. Everything you saw the night before will be available. Grab a mimosa and get ready to have some fashion fun! Annual Fashion Awards at 1pm.


Let’s Be Friends!

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