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Fearless Fashionista | A letter from the Where Magazine Editor

I will never forget the moment I first met Allison Andrews. It was about 10 years ago, when I was the editor of another magazine. A young woman asked me for a meeting. From the moment she breezed into my office, I was blown away by her—this electric, fiercely passionate ball of energy, pitching me on her big idea to create San Diego’s first real “fashion week.” Allison talked a mile a minute for a good 30 minutes—about runway shows; about bringing together emerging designers and giving them a platform, exposure and opportunities to grow; about putting San Diego on the fashion map. Say what?? My gut reaction was to dismiss such a notion. Even though I was the editor of a magazine that covered fashion, San Diego was no hotbed for it, and certainly didn’t have enough of a “fashion scene” to sustain a whole week devoted to it. After all, we’re no Los Angeles, Miami or New York. We’re the land of fish tacos and year-round flip-flops. We’re the capital of cutoffs. “Casual” is our middle name, not “Couture.” But just try telling Allison Andrews that something is not possible. It’s her favorite fuel. By the end of our meeting, I was sold, and our magazine signed on as a partner and media sponsor. And look where she has taken Fashion Week San Diego (FWSD), which is celebrating its 10th anniversary and proving tough critics and cynics wrong every step of the way. (See our feature by writer Jordan Fraser on p. 14 for details on this year’s festivities, unfolding Oct. 4-8.) Allison originally wrote out the idea for FWSD on a napkin in her den. Now, 10 years and 100-plus participating designers from all over the world later, it’s the largest and most impactful fashion event in town. Kudos and congrats, Allison, my friend. San Diego is on the fashion map, indeed, thanks to you. —Sarah Daoust


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