May Flowers bring discounted FWSD18 pre-sale passes!


MAY-be we’ll see you for an event soon?

It’s time to get FAB!
NEXT THURSDAY – Join us for our 2nd FAB Authority Workshop of the year, “Becoming a Creative Entrepreneur” featuring Artist & Designer, Clarione.
WHAT: FAB Authority® Workshop featuring Clarione.

WHEN: May 17, 2018

WHERE: FIDM San Diego 350 10th Ave #300, San Diego, CA 92101

TIME: 5:30pm



DETAILS:  Artist & Designer, Clarione Gutierrez, specializes in character design, illustration, and painting. He combines is passion for comics, color, graphics and fashion to create stylized images that highlight the beauty in his subjects!

This FAB workshop is for artists, fashion lovers, and entrepreneurs who want to be successful in the creative art industries. Join us to hear Clarione’s insights & secrets to successfully launching a creative business.

Calling ALL Female & Male Models!

Whether you’ve modeled with FWSD before or are new to the scene, we would love to see you take center stage in October for Fashion Week San Diego’s big runway shows!

Casting Call Information:

  • WHEN: June 15th
  • TIME: 8:00 am – 3:30pm
  • WHERE: FIDM San Diego
  • 350 Tenth Ave #300, San Diego, CA 92101

WHAT TO BRING: Portfolio and proof of any previous work
WHAT TO WEAR: Female: heels and form fitting clothing. Males: form fitting clothing.


  • Females must be 5’8″ or above
  • Males must be 6’0″ or above

**Note: This is the ONLY casting call this year! If you’re ready to rock the runway, please save the date! Additional info here!

WHAT: Art Couture

WHEN: June 23rd, 2018

WHERE: LUX Art Institute | 1550 S El Camino Real, Encinitas, CA 92024



DETAILS:  FWSD has partnered with Lux Art Institute to be part of their Creative Nights, where select artists will be partnered with FWSD18 Designers to create fashionable works of art.

Five artists will be selected to exhibit during our ART COUTURE event on June 23rd and given the opportunity to submit an art piece for competition. Winner will be featured at the FWSD18 Runway Shows! Additional info here!


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