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There SD | Fashion Week San Diego Announces Next Virtual Runway Show

Fashion Week San Diego Announces Next Virtual Runway Show

As Fashion Week San Diego (FWSD) continues to innovate this year’s events in wake of COVID-19, they have announced their next virtual runway show this Friday, August 21 at 2:00pm PT.

With the help of videographer, Broadway Hill, and venue, Luce Loft, FWSD’s third virtual runway show features one this year’s designers, L Label Loves Emvee Bikini, showcasing their “Weddings are better in Bikinis” collection.

Fashion Week San Diego Announces Next Virtual Runway Show

Temporarily holding on all live events to be socially responsible, their virtual runway series is available at no cost on FWSD’s IGTVYoutube channel, and website.

See full article HERE.

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